Here's a clever idea we spotted at the Medlock Ames Winery in Healdsburg, CA: a picnic table as wine tasting bar.
Architect Luke Wade and builder Andy Bannister (the designers of Medlock Ames' tasting room and outdoor area) started with a wooden picnic table, then replaced the middle slat with a gutter. The result? A table cum wine cooler, perfect for accommodating the winery's guests.
N.B.: For more on the Healdsburg winery, see Restaurant Vist: Medlock Ames in Sonoma.
Above: To create something similar, remove the middle board of a slatted outdoor table and substitute a gutter of roughly the same width. Photo via Dwell.
Above: A 10-foot-long K Style Galvanized Gutter is $20.20 at Gutter Supply. You can source hardware (to hold it in place) and a saw (to cut the gutter to the same length as the table) at your local hardware store.