We've been spending a lot of time in Australia this past week (at least in our minds), which makes us think about water conservation, which reminds of the best-looking rainwater collectors we've seen anywhere.
Founded by a group of architects and industrial designers, Philadelphia-based Shift Design focuses on "environmentally attuned products for the garden that are aesthetically modern and tailored to work as modular systems," including planters, firepits, and window boxes; we especially like the company's rainwater-collecting solutions, which are as stylish (and lifetime-lasting) as they are practical.
Above: A modular system includes the Buttonwood Wood Slat System (contact Shift directly for ordering information) and the Fitzwater Raintank ($1,800) and Pennsgrove Planter ($910); both available at Horne.
Above: For information on the new Wylie Hose Reel, go to Shift.
Above: The Pennsgrove Planter is $910 at Horne.
Above: The Wallace Wall-Mounted Rain Tank is $550.
Above: Cedar Herb Garden; $150 at Horne.
Above: The Fairmount Green Roof Tile; contact Shift for more information.
Above: Edgley Window Box; $120 at Horne.
N.B. This post is an update; the original ran on July 5, 2011.