I love the shagginess of Mongolian sheepskins (I've been chucking white ones over my living room chairs for a while now.) Last year, I spotted them in black and promptly picked up a couple; the darker sheepskins instantly add a layer of moodiness to my otherwise neutral-colored room. Perfect for the winter season.
The Mongolian sheepskins are available for $165 from Steed Find Hoarding & Tack; contact directly to purchase. Not a skin lover? Urban Outfitters offers a Faux Sheep Skin Rug in black, (and white) for $114.
Photography by Mimi Giboin for Remodelista.
Above: A winter look with black Mongolian sheepskin.
Above: When spring rolls around, I switch to white.
Can't get enough of sheepskins? Check out our other Sheepskin Posts.