When winemaker Ted Osborne and Kim Wedlake opened a Napa tasting room for Olabisi Wines, the couple went for a simple recycled-rustic look, combining reclaimed pallets, wine casks, and burlap to create a DIY bar. We especially admire their ingenious pallet shelving with jelly roll pans in lieu of drawers.
Above: Simple lengths of burlap conceal the area beneath the bar.
Above: Metal jellyroll pans function as drawers.
Above: A row of Tolix stools as seating.
Above: Wine casks with bolts as clothes hooks.
Above: Commercial-grade Norpro Jelly Roll Pans measure 18 by 12 inches; available from Amazon for $21.99
Above: Pallets typically measure 48 inches wide and are 40 inches long. The best way to procure one (or more) is to approach a local business that may use them for shipping or alternatively contact any of the numerous firms that also recycle pallets such as Pallet Recycling.
Above: Use Burlap to cover the front of the pallets; $6.50 for a roll of burlap (40 inches wide and 2 yards long) from Amazon.