This time of year has a particular appeal—the fresh start of the new year and resolutions (to get organized, keep a clear desk, and buy less/make more) that we hope will withstand the test of time.
Here's the question of the moment: What would you like to see more of on Remodelista in the coming weeks and months? Is there a remodeling issue you're stumped by, a product you'd like us to research, a look we should decipher, or a destination you want to know more about? Let us know in the comments section below.
And for your weekend web browsing, here's a sampling of what we've been interested in during our days of repose:
Above: An ideal work space? The Clothworker's Centre for Textiles and Fashion Study and Conservation at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London via Yatzer.
After hearing her speak in person in November, Alexa has been absorbed in Anjelica Huston's autobiography, A Story Lately Told during her holiday vacation.
Above: Christine noted these semi wrinkled Washi Lamps by Nendo for Taniguchi Aoya Washi, a traditional washi paper company.
Admiring this intense industrial range hood in a modern Connecticut kitchen via Cultivate.
Above: Sarah has her eye on Building Block's Big Business bag in a black vegetable tanned leather in a portfolio size.
For those in search of their next travel destination, here are 22 under-the-radar places to visit via BuzzFeed.
Advice we could really use: 31 ways to makeover your closets via Real Simple.
We aren't the only ones who have noticed the recent surge of well-designed spots to get your caffeine fix; Architectural Digest rounds up the best modern coffee shops seen in 2013. No. 6 on the list is Los Angeles' Handsome Coffee Roasters, shown here.
Having a look back at the Top 10 Kitchen Designs of 2013 according to Country Living.